This list provides a broad overview of basic verbs that are essential for beginners in English. Each word is accompanied by a simple definition and an example to illustrate its use.
accept: to take or receive something offered.
Example: She accepted the gift.
add: to join or combine.
Example: Please add sugar to the tea.
agree: to have the same opinion.
Example: I agree with you.
answer: to respond to a question.
Example: He answered the phone.
ask: to say something to get an answer.
Example: Can I ask you a question?
be: to exist or live.
Example: I want to be happy.
become: to begin to be something.
Example: She wants to become a doctor.
begin: to start.
Example: Let’s begin the lesson.
believe: to accept something as true.
Example: I believe in you.
bring: to carry something to a place.
Example: Bring your book to class.
build: to construct something.
Example: They are building a house.
buy: to obtain in exchange for money.
Example: She bought a new car.
call: to use a phone to talk to someone.
Example: Call me later.
can: to be able to.
Example: Can you help me?
carry: to hold and move something.
Example: He carried the heavy box.
change: to make something different.
Example: She changed her clothes.
clean: to remove dirt from something.
Example: Please clean the room.
close: to shut something.
Example: Close the door, please.
come: to move towards a person or place.
Example: Come here!
cook: to prepare food by heating it.
Example: She is cooking dinner.
copy: to make something exactly like another.
Example: Copy this file to your computer.
cry: to shed tears.
Example: The baby is crying.
dance: to move rhythmically to music.
Example: They danced at the party.
decide: to make a choice.
Example: I decided to stay home.
do: to perform an action.
Example: What are you doing?
draw: to make a picture with a pen or pencil.
Example: She draws beautifully.
drink: to take a liquid into the mouth and swallow it.
Example: He drank a glass of water.
drive: to operate and control a vehicle.
Example: She drives to work every day.
eat: to take food into the mouth and swallow it.
Example: Let’s eat breakfast.
enjoy: to take pleasure in something.
Example: I enjoy reading books.
explain: to make something clear or easy to understand.
Example: Can you explain this to me?
fall: to move downward.
Example: The leaves fall in autumn.
feel: to experience an emotion or physical sensation.
Example: I feel happy today.
find: to discover something.
Example: I found my keys.
finish: to bring something to an end.
Example: Please finish your homework.
fly: to move through the air.
Example: Birds can fly.
forget: to fail to remember.
Example: I forgot my password.
get: to obtain or receive something.
Example: I got a new job.
give: to present something to someone.
Example: She gave me a gift.
go: to move from one place to another.
Example: I go to school every day.
grow: to increase in size.
Example: Plants grow quickly in the spring.
happen: to occur or take place.
Example: What happened yesterday?
have: to possess or own something.
Example: I have a car.
hear: to perceive sound.
Example: Can you hear me?
help: to assist someone.
Example: Can you help me with this?
hope: to want something to happen.
Example: I hope you feel better soon.
invite: to ask someone to come to an event.
Example: She invited me to her party.
jump: to push oneself off a surface and into the air.
Example: The cat jumped over the fence.
keep: to have or retain possession of something.
Example: Keep this book safe.
know: to be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
Example: Do you know the answer?
learn: to acquire knowledge or skill.
Example: He is learning English.
leave: to go away from a place.
Example: They leave for vacation tomorrow.
like: to enjoy or be pleased with something.
Example: I like chocolate.
listen: to give attention to sound.
Example: Listen to the music.
live: to have life.
Example: They live in a small town.
look: to direct one’s gaze toward someone or something.
Example: Look at the sky.
lose: to be unable to find something.
Example: I lost my keys.
love: to have a deep affection for someone.
Example: I love my family.
make: to create or produce something.
Example: She makes delicious cakes.
meet: to come into the presence of someone.
Example: I will meet you at the café.
need: to require something.
Example: I need a pen.
open: to move something to allow access.
Example: Open the window, please.
pay: to give money for something.
Example: I need to pay the bill.
play: to engage in an activity for enjoyment.
Example: The children are playing outside.
put: to move something to a particular place.
Example: Put the book on the table.
read: to look at and comprehend written text.
Example: She reads a book every week.
remember: to recall information or events.
Example: Do you remember my name?
run: to move quickly on foot.
Example: He runs every morning.
say: to speak words.
Example: What did you say?
see: to perceive with the eyes.
Example: I see a bird in the tree.
sell: to give something in exchange for money.
Example: She sells flowers at the market.
send: to cause something to go to a destination.
Example: Please send me an email.
show: to present something so that it can be seen.
Example: Show me your new dress.
sing: to produce musical sounds with the voice.
Example: She sings beautifully.
sit: to be in a position where one’s bottom is resting on a chair.
Example: Sit down, please.
sleep: to rest with the eyes closed and the mind and body inactive.
Example: I need to sleep early tonight.
speak: to talk.
Example: Can you speak Spanish?
stand: to be in an upright position on the feet.
Example: Stand up when the teacher enters the room.
start: to begin.
Example: Let’s start the game.
stop: to cease movement or action.
Example: Stop the car!
study: to learn about a subject.
Example: She studies every night.
swim: to move through water.
Example: They swim in the pool.
take: to acquire possession, control, or occupancy.
Example: Take this book with you.
talk: to speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings.
Example: We talked for hours.
teach: to impart knowledge or skill.
Example: She teaches math at the school.
tell: to communicate information.
Example: Tell me the truth.
think: to have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something.
Example: What do you think about this?
travel: to make a journey.
Example: They love to travel to new places.
try: to make an effort to do something.
Example: Try to finish your work.
turn: to move in a circular direction around an axis.
Example: Turn the page.
understand: to grasp the meaning of something.
Example: Do you understand this word?
use: to employ for a purpose.
Example: Use a pen to write.
visit: to go to see someone or somewhere.
Example: I will visit my grandparents.
wait: to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time.
Example: Wait here, please.
walk: to move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn.
Example: Let’s walk to the park.
want: to have a desire for something.
Example: I want a new phone.
watch: to look at or observe attentively.
Example: They watch TV every evening.
win: to achieve victory.
Example: Our team won the game.
work: to engage in physical or mental activity to achieve a purpose.
– Example: She works in an office.
write: to mark letters or words on a surface.
– Example: Write your name here.
admit: to confess or agree that something is true.
– Example: He admitted his mistake.
arrive: to reach a destination.
– Example: They arrived at the hotel late.
assist: to help someone.
– Example: She assists her mother in the kitchen.
avoid: to keep away from something or someone.
– Example: They avoid eating junk food.
bake: to cook by dry heat, especially in an oven.
– Example: She bakes cookies every weekend.
bathe: to wash oneself.
– Example: I bathe every morning.
borrow: to take something for temporary use.
– Example: Can I borrow your pen?
brush: to clean with a brush.
– Example: Brush your teeth twice a day.
cancel: to decide that something will not take place.
– Example: The meeting was canceled.
climb: to go up or ascend.
– Example: They climbed the mountain.
collect: to gather things together.
– Example: She collects stamps.
comb: to tidy hair using a comb.
– Example: Comb your hair before the photo.
complain: to express dissatisfaction or annoyance.
– Example: He complained about the noise.
connect: to join or link things together.
– Example: Connect the charger to your phone.
cost: to require a payment.
– Example: The book costs $10.
count: to determine the total number.
– Example: Count the apples in the basket.
create: to make something new.
– Example: She creates beautiful paintings.
cross: to go across from one side to the other.
– Example: They crossed the street.
cut: to divide something with a sharp tool.
– Example: Cut the paper with scissors.
deliver: to bring and hand over something.
– Example: The package was delivered on time.
demand: to ask for something forcefully.
– Example: They demand better working conditions.
describe: to give a detailed account.
– Example: Describe the view from the top.
design: to create a plan or drawing.
– Example: She designs clothes.
destroy: to damage something completely.
– Example: The building was destroyed in the fire.
discover: to find something new.
– Example: They discovered a hidden cave.
discuss: to talk about something.
– Example: We discussed the new project.
divide: to separate into parts.
– Example: Divide the cake into eight pieces.
doubt: to feel uncertain about something.
– Example: I doubt that he will come.
dust: to remove dust from surfaces.
– Example: She dusts the furniture every day.
earn: to receive money for work.
– Example: He earns a good salary.
end: to bring something to a close.
– Example: The movie ended late.
enjoy: to take pleasure in something.
– Example: I enjoy reading books.
enter: to go into a place.
– Example: They entered the building.
exist: to be present or alive.
– Example: Dinosaurs no longer exist.
expand: to increase in size or scope.
– Example: The company is expanding.
expect: to believe that something will happen.
– Example: I expect good results.
fail: to not succeed.
– Example: He failed the test.
fill: to make something full.
– Example: Fill the bottle with water.
fix: to repair something.
– Example: He fixed the broken chair.
follow: to go after someone.
– Example: Follow me.
forgive: to stop feeling angry at someone.
– Example: I forgive you.
guess: to estimate without enough information.
– Example: Can you guess my age?
handle: to manage a situation.
– Example: She handles stress well.
hide: to put something out of sight.
– Example: He hides his money under the bed.
hit: to strike someone or something.
– Example: He hit the ball.
hold: to grasp or carry something.
– Example: Hold my hand.
improve: to make something better.
– Example: She improved her grades.
include: to make something part of a whole.
– Example: The price includes tax.
inform: to give information.
– Example: Inform me of any changes.
introduce: to present someone.
– Example: Let me introduce you to my friend.
join: to become a member of something.
– Example: He joined the club.
jump: to push oneself off a surface into the air.
– Example: The cat jumped on the table.
kick: to strike with the foot.
– Example: He kicked the ball.
kill: to cause the death of someone or something.
– Example: The hunter killed the deer.
kiss: to touch with the lips as a sign of love.
– Example: They kissed each other goodbye.
laugh: to make sounds of amusement.
– Example: They laughed at the joke.
learn: to acquire knowledge or skills.
– Example: She learns quickly.
leave: to go away from a place.
– Example: They leave at 6 PM.
lend: to give something temporarily.
– Example: Can you lend me a pen?
lift: to raise something to a higher position.
– Example: He lifted the box.
like: to enjoy or be pleased with something.
– Example: I like chocolate.
listen: to give attention to sound.
– Example: Listen to the music.
live: to have life.
– Example: They live in a small town.
look: to direct one’s gaze toward someone or something.
– Example: Look at the sky.
lose: to be unable to find something.
– Example: I lost my keys.
love: to have a deep affection for someone.
– Example: I love my family.
make: to create or produce something.
– Example: She makes delicious cakes.
mean: to signify or intend to express.
– Example: What does this word mean?
meet: to come into the presence of someone.
– Example: I will meet you at the café.
need: to require something.
– Example: I need a pen.
open: to move something to allow access.
– Example: Open the window, please.
pay: to give money for something.
– Example: I need to pay the bill.
play: to engage in an activity for enjoyment.
– Example: The children are playing outside.
put: to move something to a particular place.
– Example: Put the book on the table.
read: to look at and comprehend written text.
– Example: She reads a book every week.
remember: to recall information or events.
– Example: Do you remember my name?
run: to move quickly on foot.
– Example: He runs every morning.
say: to speak words.
– Example: What did you say?
see: to perceive with the eyes.
– Example: I see a bird in the tree.
sell: to give something in exchange for money.
– Example: She sells flowers at the market.
send: to cause something to go to a destination.
– Example: Please send me an email.
show: to present something so that it can be seen.
– Example: Show me your new dress.
sing: to produce musical sounds with the voice.
– Example: She sings beautifully.
sit: to be in a position where one’s bottom is resting on a chair.
– Example: Sit down, please.
sleep: to rest with the eyes closed and the mind and body inactive.
– Example: I need to sleep early tonight.
speak: to talk.
– Example: Can you speak Spanish?
stand: to be in an upright position on the feet.
– Example: Stand up when the teacher enters the room.
start: to begin.
– Example: Let’s start the game.
stop: to cease movement or action.
– Example: Stop the car!
study: to learn about a subject.
– Example: She studies every night.
swim: to move through water.
– Example: They swim in the pool.
take: to acquire possession, control, or occupancy.
– Example: Take this book with you.
talk: to speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings.
– Example: We talked for hours.
teach: to impart knowledge or skill.
– Example: She teaches math at the school.
tell: to communicate information.
– Example: Tell me the truth.
think: to have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something.
– Example: What do you think about this?
travel: to make a journey.
– Example: They love to travel to new places.
try: to make an effort to do something.
– Example: Try to finish your work.
turn: to move in a circular direction around an axis.
– Example: Turn the page.